If you use AOL or America Online, then you have at least five screen names, which translate to five e-mail boxes. When you first signed up with AOL you made your main e-mail account. Take advantage of the other screen names and make one of them your junk mail box. Go to keyword SCREEN NAMES or PARENTAL CONTROLS for more information.
PLEASE NOTE: AOL makes your information available to others. I repeat, AOL LOVES MAKING MONEY ON YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESSES.
In an article by Doug Brown , with Inter@ctive Week regarding AOL, he states, "Users can opt out of lists used for sending spam e-mail, having logs of their online travels sold to marketers or having information about what they buy online disseminated." Updated December 1, 1999 8:08 AM
You have the option to refuse junk mail, but you must renew your privacy options request every year. Go to PRIVACY as your keyword to learn more about protecting yourself AOL's "choice marketing preferences."
Contact AOL for more information on AOL privacy practices (or lack of privacy practices.) Between you and me, if AOL was the only email service available, I would not have email.
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